Strip Binary Symbols (iOS)
Stripping symbols may cause issues with crash symbolication
Binary symbols are used to symbolicate crash reports. Stripping symbols is only recommended if you are uploading DSYMs to a crash reporter.
Swift binaries include large amounts of symbols in a segment of the binary used by the dynamic linker. These are generally not needed in production builds. If you build your app with bitcode these symbols will automatically be stripped out. However, Xcode 14 deprecated bitcode by default and Apple will remove the ability to build with bitcode in a future Xcode release. Here's the command to strip symbols for a particular binary:
strip -rSTx AppBinary -o AppBinaryStripped
The T
flag tells strip
to remove Swift symbols, the other flags remove debugging and local symbols. Symbol stripping can be done automatically by adding a custom "Run Script" build phase at the very end of building.
Here is a sample script that may require adjustments for your particular project. This script will strip your main app binary along with any binaries it finds in the /Frameworks
set -e
echo "Starting the symbol stripping process..."
if [ "Release" = "${CONFIGURATION}" ]; then
echo "Configuration is Release."
# Path to the app directory
echo "App directory path: ${APP_DIR_PATH}"
# Strip main binary
echo "Stripping main binary: ${APP_DIR_PATH}/${EXECUTABLE_NAME}"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully stripped main binary."
echo "Failed to strip main binary." >&2
# Path to the Frameworks directory
echo "Frameworks directory path: ${APP_FRAMEWORKS_DIR}"
# Strip symbols from frameworks, if Frameworks/ exists at all
# ... as long as the framework is NOT signed by Apple
if [ -d "${APP_FRAMEWORKS_DIR}" ]; then
echo "Frameworks directory exists. Proceeding to strip symbols from frameworks."
find "${APP_FRAMEWORKS_DIR}" -type f -perm +111 -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -exec bash -c '
codesign -v -R="anchor apple" "{}" &> /dev/null ||
echo "Stripping {}" &&
if [ -w "{}" ]; then
strip -rSTx "{}"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully stripped {}"
echo "Failed to strip {}" >&2
echo "Warning: No write permission for {}"
' \;
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully stripped symbols from frameworks."
echo "Failed to strip symbols from some frameworks." >&2
echo "Frameworks directory does not exist. Skipping framework stripping."
echo "Configuration is not Release. Skipping symbol stripping."
echo "Symbol stripping process completed."
Script Input Files
Xcode may execute build steps in parallel if they have no dependencies on each other. Make sure to configure the Input File for the script as described below.
Since we are stripping symbols from the binaries themselves, as mentioned earlier you must instead upload dSYM files to your crash reporting service.
However, since Xcode generates dSYM files from your binaries, the resulting dSYM file will be empty if the binary has already been stripped. This means we need to tell Xcode to wait and run our script only once dSYM files have been generated.
as an Input File

Updated about 1 month ago