
Emerge supports sign in with Auth0 for Enterprise accounts. Contact us at [email protected] if you'd like to enable this feature for your account.

Create a New Application


From your Auth0 dashboard select Applications and "Create Application"


Configure Settings


On the Settings tab scroll all the way down and select "Advanced Settings" then choose the "Certificate" tab. From the "Download Certificate" dropdown select the PEM format and download the file.

From the "Endpoints" tab scroll to "SAML Protocol URL" and copy the contents. Send this URL along with the PEM file to your Emerge representative.

Configure SAML2 Web App

For this step you'll need YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME from your Emerge representative.


From the Addons tab of your application open the SAML2 Web App settings. Under "Application Callback URL" enter the URL:

Under "Settings" enter:

  "audience": "urn:auth0:emergetools:YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME"

Select "Enable" to save your settings.