Shareable Links

Emerge enables users to create public links of their Size Analysis

Whether you're an SDK provider that wants to help provide a detailed Size Analysis of their impact or you're an indie app that wants to brag about your app architecture to your friends. Shareable links make it easy for users to take internally uploaded builds and have those builds be viewable without an Emerge account.

Creating a shareable link

  1. Go to an X-Ray of any build that you've uploaded
  2. Click the "Actions" button
  3. Click "Get shareable link"
  4. Confirm that you'd like to make that specific build public and it will generate a url similar to:

Removing a shareable link

  1. Once a shareable link has been associated with a Size Analysis, you can remove this public build at any time
  2. Go to the X-Ray of the build that you've shared
  3. Click "Manage shareable link"
  4. Confirm removal and the build will no longer be publicly accessible immediately